➕Creating Skills

Step 1: Basic Setup

Create a new YAML file in the skills folder of your AdvancedSkills configuration directory. Name it after your skill, for example we will be making an Acrobatics skill - acrobatics.yml.

Step 2: Name and Description

name: Acrobatics
description: "Master of agility and graceful movement"

Step 3: Icon Configuration

Choose an icon from the Minecraft material list:

  type: FEATHER

Reference the full Material List for icon options.

Step 4: Leveling System

Configure the experience curve and max level:

point-levels: "40 * (%level% * 1.35)"
max-level: 0  # 0 means unlimited

Step 5: Talent Integration

Link talents to your skill:

  - roll:10 #Chance to negate fall damage
  - graceful_landing:1 #Reduce fall damage

Talents are part of AdvancedSkills, you can learn more about Talents here.

Step 6: Mana Configuration

Set up mana rewards:

  drop: POINT  # or LEVEL_UP
  chance: 10 + (%level% * 0.05)
  amount: 1

Step 7: Point Triggers

Define how players gain skill points:

    points: "%damage%"
        - '%damage% < 7 : %allow%'
    points: "%damage% * 1.5"
        - '%damage% >= 7 : %allow%'

This step utilizes both triggers and conditions:

Step 8: Advanced Configuration

For more complex skills, you may need to dive deeper into the Abilities engine. This powerful system allows for the creation of custom effects, triggers, and conditions.

Step 9: Reload And Test

Now, reload the plugin to load in your new skill using /skills reload. That's it, your skill is now ready!

Remember to test your skill thoroughly after configuration and adjust as needed for balance and performance.

Last updated