
Classes in AdvancedSkills

Classes in AdvancedSkills provide players with a way to specialize their character and gain advantages in specific skills. This system adds depth to player progression and encourages diverse playstyles.

How Classes Work

Players can select a class that aligns with their preferred playstyle. Each class provides bonuses to specific skills, allowing players to excel in certain areas. Classes can be configured to be a one-time choice or allow switching with a cooldown.

Configuring the Class System

The class system is configured in the classes.yml file. Let's break down the configuration:

# classes.yml
enabled: true

# Classes can be edited in `classes` folder!
allow-class-change: true  # Whether players can change their class
class-change-cooldown: 604800  # Cooldown in seconds for changing class, default 604800 = 7 days

# Should players be reminded after login if they have not selected a class?
# They will be sent a message few seconds after logging in
remind-class-selection: true
  1. enabled: Set to true to activate the class system.

  2. allow-class-change: If true, players can switch classes.

  3. class-change-cooldown: The time (in seconds) players must wait before changing classes again. Default is 604800 (7 days).

  4. remind-class-selection: If true, players without a class will be reminded to choose one after logging in.

Creating a Class

Classes are defined in individual YAML files within the classes folder. Let's examine the "Craftsman" class example:

name: "Craftsman"
description: "A master of creation and resource gathering."
  mining: 1.2
  woodcutting: 1.2
  repair: 1.2
  smelting: 1.2
  alchemy: 1.1

Let's break down each part:

  1. name: The display name of the class.

  2. description: A brief explanation of the class's strengths.

  3. icon: The item used to represent the class in menus.

    • type: The Minecraft material type. Refer to the Material List for options.

  4. skills: This section defines the skill bonuses for the class.

    • Each skill is listed with a multiplier. For example, mining: 1.2 means the Craftsman gains 20% more experience in the Mining skill.

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